IPS safety policies and procedures

Safety is the price of entry for working with our customers. The IPS safety record, in technical field services and in-shop remanufacturing, meets the standards of the world’s most demanding companies.

Safety is a core value of our culture, to be championed by our leaders and internalized by our associates.

The IPS Health Safety & Environmental Policy Statement

IPS publishes an HSE policy statement, one that exceeds OSHA requirements, in all of our locations. This statement expresses the five key points that drive safety at IPS:

  • Management commitment and support
  • Employee participation and accountability
  • Injury prevention and continuous improvement
  • Hazard control
  • Training

The IPS safety strategy and directives come from a collaborative effort of key stakeholders. Our organizational leadership supports these efforts, to drive ownership of the overall HSE process.

The day-to-day practice, the safety rituals and processes you see in our service centers, come from employee participation and accountability.

CIPS, our operating system, drives consistency in everything we do in our high-mix, high-volume service centers across North America. We benchmark, measure, and share innovations and best practices to standardize safety.

The tools we use to improve safety

IPS uses a range of tools to measure safety performance and provide specific feedback and guidance. These tools include:

  • Behavior-based safety audits implemented across the IPS North American network
  • Area General Manager scorecards to measure key HSE performance metrics
  • Safety compliance training to increase engagement and retention
  • Weekly actions to review specific procedures and check equipment
  • Monthly safety reports for details on HSE performance, trends, and safety-shared learnings
  • Focus topics addressing hazards, situational awareness, and real-time trends.

Our people understand their responsibility to adhere strictly to all safety rules and procedures, and report unsafe conditions immediately. We look out for the health and safety of ourselves, our co-workers, and the community.

This commitment to safety works in tandem with our commitment to quality. It’s how we provide industry-leading service and go home to our families at the end of the day.

For more information or to schedule a plant safety tour, talk to your local IPS representative or contact us here.

IPS has close working relationships with OEMs