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IPS maintains and manages our power distribution products. Our massive, blended inventory includes new, surplus, and reconditioned equipment.
This inventory means short lead times and more competitive pricing. IPS power distribution experts make the key difference — understanding your needs and situation and recommending the right equipment solution.
IPS offers repair or replace options because we build relationships on lowering the total cost of ownership. We match your equipment requirements with a custom configuration.
Our recommendations build on our institutional product knowledge. We know the equipment, how it may have been modified over the years, and why nameplate data is only part of the picture.
Our industry-specific experience makes troubleshooting more efficient. These insights and recommendations come with competitive lead times and pricing.
Our blended inventory gives you options. We configure power distribution solutions with new, surplus, rebuilt, and remanufactured equipment.
IPS quotes include a scope of work and equipment condition glossary. The glossary covers the terms we use to categorize our power distribution products:
Surplus, New
Surplus, Unused
Surplus, Used
IPS remanufactures and reconditions to meet OEM, PEARL, and our internal specifications. This includes full and complete teardown, inspection, and reassembly.
We design, manufacture, modify, assemble, or fabricate equipment for specific customer needs, especially when they need it fast.
Testing and data guide effective maintenance, satisfy insurance requirements, and inform repair or replace decisions, for more accurate capital planning.
Electrical testing and maintenance plus engineering, surplus power distribution equipment, and NCCER-accredited training.