The Home Shopping Network Inc.’s Backup Power

At the Home Shopping Network Inc.’s headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida, hundreds of HSNI employees staff the phones 24 hours a day, seven days a week, collecting  customer orders, arranging payments and coordinating shipments. At the same time, the HSNI production studios are also live 24/7 with product demonstrations and information that millions of households tune into daily. If the local Florida utility fails, just a few seconds of power loss will cost HSNI lost revenue and delayed customer support.

The HSNI electrical facility is always standing ready to provide backup power to any and all of its several facilities covering the 67-acre campus. Supported by a room full of UPS, paralleling switchgear and more than 14 megawatts of generator power, and an all-hands-on-deck electrical and mechanical crew, HSNI is well prepared to go on should their local utility fail for any reason.

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