
Looking for a specific solution? Our transformer team is ready.

From our quoting and delivery process to operations, field service, and rehab and reconditioning facility, we’ve built and designed everything to empower you and your business. We have extensive industry knowledge, providing our customers the highest attention, ease of communication, and better performance when meeting your industrial and commercial transformer needs. We put our customers at the center of everything we do.

A powerhouse of customization
We can customize most transformer power assemblies to meet client needs.

Rapid response delivery
When you need a product quickly, our transformers are the right choice. Our rapid response and quick turn estimates guarantee you will have your equipment when you need it most.

24/7 Service and support availability
In an emergency breakdown we can quickly get you back up and running. Our team is ready and available 24/7 to deliver superior service and support.

Unmatched Rehab and Reconditioning
All transformers sold through us are guranteed – 3yr warranty on reconditioned, 1yr on new. This is especially true of our reconditioned products. Our team puts each and every unit through a stringent quality inspection and testing review process in order to offer best-in-class transformers to our customers.

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For more information, talk to your local IPS representative or contact us here.