IPS reporting — Better communications for project management and collaboration

IPS provides detailed, rigorous reporting as we restore the assets critical to your infrastructure. Our engineers review and approve all project documentation, including “as received” and “as shipped” test results.

Asset condition assessments determine the root cause of deficiencies and the design improvements we recommend.

IPS engineers see the workflow of IPS technicians, on-site and in our service centers, as they enter data in real time. Our unique visual management system gives the IPS Engineering Council access to all service and repair data across the IPS North American network.

We use this data for troubleshooting and consulting.

Real-time data collection and compilation

We collect the data and compile it in our reports, to share with details on the service and repair steps we take. On larger projects, IPS reporting is more substantial — with detail on recommendations, planning, materials, and scheduling.

IPS reporting walks customers through our process. We maintain regular communications to discuss progress and issues as they occur.

The intent is to build trust and maintain a level of comfort with our collaboration. Information and insight in our reporting help you plan maintenance, comply with insurance requirements, and guide capital planning.

For more on IPS reporting, talk to your local IPS representative or contact us here.

IPS Tracker eliminates paper reporting

IPS Tracker is our secure, cloud-based project management and communications platform. As part of our digital transformation, it gives you real-time updates on our work, with data and images.

Access IPS Tracker anytime, anywhere, with your mobile device, tablet, or desktop. You’ll find the information you need, when you need it, for planning, quality assurance, and asset management.

To see an IPS Tracker demo, talk with your local IPS representative or contact us here.

IPS has close working relationships with OEMs