In-shop remanufacturing for power distribution equipment

The IPS power management business provides dedicated remanufacturing for customer-supplied circuit breakers, switchgear, and related parts.

We also offer proven, experienced remanufacturing, rebuilds, and reconditioning for electrical distribution equipment. Our surplus electrical equipment warehouse in Dallas, TX, stocks vintage switchgear, thousands of surplus circuit breakers, and millions of related parts.

We provide protective relay testing, power factor testing, and other diagnostics to validate remanufacturing for the following components:

  • Circuit breakers
  • Rental exchange breakers
  • Solid-state retrofits
  • Solid-state programmer upgrades and repairs
  • Protective relays
  • Switchgear and vintage switchgear
  • Buses

National Switchgear, now part of the IPS power management business, was a founding member of PEARL (Professional Electrical Apparatus Reconditioning League). We continue to support the circular economy with sustainable, high-value remanufacturing.

For more information, contact your local IPS representative or email us here.

IPS has close working relationships with OEMs